Getting Started

Server Vars

You will need these in your server.cfg in order to run clean please tailor them to your needs you can also make a new file within the same directory as your server.cfg and call it clean_lib.cfgand then you can simply put exec clean_lib.cfg in your server.cfg somewhere before clean_lib is ensured


If you are setting framework/inventory/target etc please make sure you use the exact resource name so the bridging will work correctly. You can easily reference all the bridge resources by checking the bridge folder, you can also easily add your own bridging here for resources that are not yet supported

setr clean_lib:language en
setr clean_lib:debug true
setr clean_lib:server_name CleanRP

# Configure the resources you want to use
setr clean_lib:framework qbx_core
setr clean_lib:inventory clean_inventory
setr clean_lib:itemImgPath nui://clean_inventory/web/images/
setr clean_lib:target ox_target
setr clean_lib:interact sleepless_interact
setr clean_lib:keys clean_keys
setr clean_lib:garage clean_vehicles
setr clean_lib:ambulance clean_ambulance
setr clean_lib:jail clean_prison
setr clean_lib:time clean_weather
setr clean_lib:phone lb-phone
setr clean_lib:fuel clean_fuel
setr clean_lib:dispatch clean_dispatch

setr clean_lib:notifyPosition top-right
setr clean_lib:notifyAudio true

# Context Menu 
setr clean_lib:contextMenu clean_lib
setr clean_lib:contextClickSounds true
setr clean_lib:contextHoverSounds true

# Dialog
setr clean_lib:dialogClickSounds true
setr clean_lib:dialogHoverSounds true

# showTextUI 
setr clean_lib:showTextPosition bottom-center

# progressBar 
setr clean_lib:progress clean_lib
setr clean_lib:progBarPosition bottom-center

# Theme starts at 0 and goes to 9
# 0 is the lightest color and 9 is the darkest
# You can set the primary color to custom and set the customTheme to your own colors
# Use this generator in order to make your own custom color palettes 
# Default mantine colors can be found here
setr clean_lib:primaryColor clean # Set to custom to use customTheme
setr clean_lib:primaryShade 9 # 0-9
setr clean_lib:customTheme [

To get started with lib, include the shared script within your resource's fxmanifest.lua

shared_scripts {

You are able to select modules to be loaded, however they will also dynamically import. This can be done via the clean_libs manifest option

clean_libs {


These are all the resources that this lib will bridge for, add your own by making a PR or contacting me on discord.


  • cdn-fuel

  • LegacyFuel

  • ox_fuel

  • ps-fuel

  • Renewed-Fuel

  • ti.fuel

  • x-fuel


  • clean_inventory

  • codem-inventory

  • ox_inventory

  • qb-inventory

  • qs-inventory

  • tgainn_inventory


  • cd_garage

  • MrNewbVehicleKeys

  • okokGarage

  • qb-vehiclekeys

  • qs-vehiclekeys

  • Renewed-Vehiclekeys

  • tiger_keys

  • vehicles_keys

  • wasabi_carlock


  • es_extended

  • qb-core

  • qbx_core


  • av_weather

  • cd_easytime

  • qb-weathersync

  • Renewed-Weathersync

  • vSync

Last updated