This will just use the generic frameworks notification system you could add more here too in the files if you know how
Core.UI.Notify("My Notification")
This is my take on simple notifications if you want to use this you can
Core.UI.SimpleNotification({ ID ="thisNotif", Title ="Test Notification", Message ="This is a test notification", Icon ="fa-solid fa-user-friends", --## Time =5, --## If no Time then it will never remove NoTimer =true, --## Remove the timer at the bottom})
TriggerEvent("Dirk-Core:UI:SimpleNotify", { --## Can also be TriggerClientEvent from server side too obviously ID ="thisNotif", Title ="Test Notification", Message ="This is a test notification", Icon ="fa-solid fa-user-friends", --## Time =5, --## If no Time then it will never remove NoTimer =true, --## Remove the timer at the bottom})
Basics boring ShowHelpNotification you see in normal Grand Theft Auto
whiletruedo Core.UI.ShowHelpNotification("This is what I want to display") Wait(0)end
--## Supports ox_lib and progressBarsCore.UI.ProgressBar({ time =5000, label ="Test Progress", usewhileDead =false, canCancel =false, disableControl =true, }, function(complete)print('Complete ', complete) --## Prints true if bar complete or false if cancelledend)
local correct = Core.UI.KeyCode(1234) --## Can be as long a number as you wish
Core.UI.CopyToClipboard("What I want to copy to my clipboard")
Core.UI.OpenLink("") --## Will open this link in the clients browser
local points = Core.Game.PlotPoints()print(json.encode(points))--## This will returnatable points you have selected via the in-game prompts.