💰Robbery Creator


This resource is drag and drop for the most part ensure you configure your framework settings in the Config.lua under the userSettings folder and you are good to go.

Required Dependencies


Optional Dependencies

Minigames: NP-MiniGame DS-Lockpick CD-KeyMaster

Ensure you have my show help notification alternative: https://github.com/DirkScriptsDevelopement/dirk-shn


Upon updates to the script to prevent loss of your created robberies/configured objects please make regular backups of the userData and userSettings folders within the script. I will do my absolute best to ensure backwards compatibility of Robberies upon bug-fixes and script additions

Adding New Objects for use in Robberies

UI Usage

You can easily add new objects in-game to be used within your existing/new robberies. You can access this menu by using the command you have set in the config as ObjectsSetupCommand the default is /Robberies:EditObject

Once you have hit the command you will be greeted by the following interface:

Here you can edit existing items or add more. For this example we will add a new item by clicking the big plus sign. Once we click this sign we will see this and you can follow these instructions.

Side Notes

Tiny Property: This is used if the object is very small and hard to spot/target it will make the bounds of the item bigger for selecting it easier.

Creating Robberies

UI Usage

Side Notes

Adding New MiniGames

Creating Custom Functions for Objects

Here lies info


  • Q: What if something isn't mentioned here? A: It's likely answered in the config.

  • Q: Where can I change keys? A: userConfig/keys.lua

  • Q: Where can I change languages for in-game A: userConfig/labels.lua


As always support is supplied in our discord through the appropriate ticket channels. Please use this documentation as well as possible before making a ticket.

Last updated