
Please follow these instructions carefully if you do so you should have no issues, if you do still experience issues after reading through all of this then please make a ticket in discord.


You will need the following resources installed to be able to use this script properly, please ensure this is possible before buying the script My Library Dirk Core Frameworks QBCore ESX Legacy vRP ( Support is not garaunteed as I do not personally use this framework )

Inventories ox_inventory qb-inventory lj-inventory mf-inventory qs-inventory core_inventory

Inventory Instructions


In order for this to work you will need to add the following to your ox_inventory/data/items.lua

 ['burnerphone'] = {          
    label      = "Nokia 3310",
    weight     = 250,
    allowArmed = false,
    client = {
      remove = function(total)
        TriggerServerEvent("DirkBurner:PhoneRemoved", total)
      add = function()

 ['descramble_tablet'] = {          
    label  = "Police Tablet",
    weight = 250,

  ['charging_cable'] = {          
    label  = 'Charging Cable',          
    weight = 1000,   


Items will auto add to your shared.lua if you are on a compatible version of qb-core and AutoAddItems is enabled within dirk-core however below I have listed the items should you wish to manually add them

    ['burnerphone'] = {
      ['name']        = 'burnerphone',               
      ['label']       = 'Burner Phone',          
      ['weight']      = 100,   
      ['type']        = 'item',    
      ['image']       = 'burnerphone.png',       
      ['unique']      = true,   
      ['useable']     = true,  
      ['shouldClose'] = true,   
      ['combinable']  = nil,   
      ['description'] = 'Cheap throwaway phone'
    ['charging_cable'] = {
      ['name']        = 'charging_cable',               
      ['label']       = 'Charging Cable',          
      ['weight']      = 100,   
      ['type']        = 'item',    
      ['image']       = 'charging_cable.png',       
      ['unique']      = false,   
      ['useable']     = false,  
      ['shouldClose'] = false,   
      ['combinable']  = nil,   
      ['description'] = 'Cheap phone charger'
    ['descramble_tablet'] = {
      ['name']        = 'descramble_tablet',               
      ['label']       = 'Police Tablet',          
      ['weight']      = 100,   
      ['type']        = 'item',    
      ['image']       = 'descramble_tablet.png',       
      ['unique']      = false,   
      ['useable']     = true,  
      ['shouldClose'] = false,   
      ['combinable']  = nil,   
      ['description'] = 'Police tablet used to descramble burner phone messages',

Last updated