Existing Zones
A more upbeat place will buy drugs quite frequently, little chance of thefts but moderate chance of snitching. Decent prices and decent quanities sold here
Polyzone = { --## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(-622.73, 6250.00),
vector2(-89.39, 6765.15),
vector2(159.09, 7059.09),
vector2(668.18, 6443.94),
vector2(-389.39, 5753.03)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 10, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 50, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 80, Fight = 30, Snitch = 20}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 70, Snitch = 20, Steal = 30}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {70,90}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 10, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {20,50}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {15,25}, Amount = {6,14}},
A relatively quiet place will buy some drugs, semi frequently, not very hostile but not too keen on you selling drugs in their neighbourhoods so be careful when making contacts.
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(1643.94, 4950.00),
vector2(2159.09, 5253.03),
vector2(2656.06, 5068.18),
vector2(2792.42, 4386.36),
vector2(2492.42, 4086.36),
vector2(1653.03, 4574.24)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 10, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 50, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 80, Fight = 30, Snitch = 20}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 70, Snitch = 20, Steal = 30}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {70,90}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 10, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {20,50}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {15,25}, Amount = {6,14}},
Sandy Shores
A relatively rough area which will buy drugs from you regularly, clientele may be hostile from time-time and prone to steal from you.
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(353.03, 3589.39),
vector2(104.55, 3334.85),
vector2(131.82, 2516.67),
vector2(1525.76, 2665.15),
vector2(2277.27, 2989.39),
vector2(2204.55, 3880.30),
vector2(1910.61, 4037.88)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 10, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 90, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 3, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 8, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 90, Fight = 50, Snitch = 10}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 60, Snitch = 20, Steal = 50}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {60,80}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Meth", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {10,20}, Amount = {12,16}},
{Item = "Crack", Type = "SALE", Chance = 75, Price = {15,20}, Amount = {6,14}},
A relatively high income area that will buy part drugs quite frequently with little risk of robbery, average risk of snitching. Contacts wont be calling you at all hours and will be quite respectful
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(-2919.70, 298.48),
vector2(-3119.70, 189.39),
vector2(-3198.48, 262.12),
vector2(-3095.45, 559.09),
vector2(-3307.58, 898.48),
vector2(-3453.03, 946.97),
vector2(-3422.73, 1025.76),
vector2(-3289.39, 1050.00),
vector2(-3277.27, 1340.91),
vector2(-3034.85, 1328.79),
vector2(-2877.27, 589.39)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 20, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 75, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 5, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 60, Fight = 20, Snitch = 40}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 70, Snitch = 25, Steal = 15}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {70,90}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 10, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {20,50}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {15,25}, Amount = {6,14}},
Vinewood Hills
This is the posh part of town this will be hard to make contacts in but when you do they will call quite regularly wanting party drugs at high rates in medium quantities, these contacts are not likely to steal but could be pressured by police easier to snitch
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(-2065.15, 698.48),
vector2(-1922.73, 28.79),
vector2(-1562.12, -216.67),
vector2(-1383.33, -65.15),
vector2(-1013.64, -153.03),
vector2(-656.06, -40.91),
vector2(-771.21, 222.73),
vector2(-828.79, 365.15),
vector2(-559.09, 356.06),
vector2(-295.45, 301.52),
vector2(22.73, 280.30),
vector2(231.82, 428.79),
vector2(413.64, 425.76),
vector2(259.09, 974.24),
vector2(-213.64, 1062.12),
vector2(-450.00, 886.36),
vector2(-713.64, 913.64),
vector2(-1250.00, 843.94),
vector2(-1659.09, 771.21)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 15, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 50, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 5, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 5, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 50, Fight = 10, Snitch = 60}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 70, Snitch = 30, Steal = 10}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {80,110}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 10, Price = {80,110}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {20,40}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {60,90}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {20,40}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {25,45}, Amount = {6,14}},
South Los Santos
This is meant to be the ghetto area you will be able to sell all drugs however the main ones, Cocaine, Weed, Lean, Oxy etc will be more common, this is a more dangerous area with more likelihood you will get robbed however there will be less snitching
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(89.39, -2004.55),
vector2(242.42, -2092.42),
vector2(375.76, -2186.36),
vector2(606.06, -1996.97),
vector2(637.88, -1528.79),
vector2(533.33, -1245.45),
vector2(-400.00, -1236.36),
vector2(-363.64, -1590.91),
vector2(-121.21, -1819.70)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 20, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 70, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 8, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 80, Fight = 50, Snitch = 20}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 75, Snitch = 10, Steal = 60}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 65, Price = {60,90}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {60,90}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {40,60}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {30,60}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {10,30}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 35, Price = {35,55}, Amount = {6,14}},
{Item = "Crack", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {35,60}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Meth", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {55,75}, Amount = {6,14}},
East Los Santos
This is a much rougher neighbourhood with the more commons drugs being Crack, Meth and Heroin you will easily make contacts here but they will be thieves and snitches calling at you all hours for their fix, good money, high risk
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(1172.73, -1834.85),
vector2(1112.88, -1643.18),
vector2(1267.42, -1500.76),
vector2(1458.33, -1453.79),
vector2(1497.73, -1503.79),
vector2(1493.18, -1755.30)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 10, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 90, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 3, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 8, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 90, Fight = 50, Snitch = 10}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 60, Snitch = 20, Steal = 50}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {60,80}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 20, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Meth", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {10,20}, Amount = {12,16}},
{Item = "Crack", Type = "SALE", Chance = 75, Price = {15,20}, Amount = {6,14}},
This is more of a posh area, quite hard to make contacts but they will buy recreational drugs at a higher price than the average joe, with little risk of being robbed but medium risk of being snitched on
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(-2180.30, -486.36),
vector2(-2077.27, -401.52),
vector2(-1562.12, -798.48),
vector2(-1286.36, -907.58),
vector2(-1001.52, -789.39),
vector2(-719.70, -1168.18),
vector2(-671.21, -1516.67),
vector2(-1192.42, -1995.45)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 30, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 70, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 5, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 60, Fight = 50, Snitch = 30}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 60, Snitch = 30, Steal = 20}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {30,50}, Amount = {2,10}},
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {80,120}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {3,28}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {20,40}, Amount = {1,5}},
{Item = "Mushrooms",Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {3,28}},
Nicola Ave
This is more of a posh area, quite hard to make contacts but they will buy recreational drugs at a higher price than the average joe, with little risk of being robbed but medium risk of being snitched on
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(813.64, -600.00),
vector2(815.15, -474.24),
vector2(1057.58, -348.48),
vector2(1178.79, -289.39),
vector2(1319.70, -366.67),
vector2(1450.00, -589.39),
vector2(1383.33, -692.42),
vector2(1192.42, -831.82),
vector2(1022.73, -818.18),
vector2(860.61, -675.76)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 20, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 75, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 5, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 60, Fight = 20, Snitch = 40}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 70, Snitch = 25, Steal = 15}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "SALE", Chance = 60, Price = {70,90}, Amount = {7,14}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "SALE", Chance = 10, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "SALE", Chance = 80, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {7,28}},
{Item = "Oxy", Type = "SALE", Chance = 40, Price = {40,70}, Amount = {15,20}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "SALE", Chance = 50, Price = {20,50}, Amount = {3,10}},
{Item = "Lean", Type = "SALE", Chance = 30, Price = {15,30}, Amount = {2,6}},
{Item = "Mushrooms", Type = "SALE", Chance = 45, Price = {15,25}, Amount = {6,14}},
Very very hard to make a contact down here but when you do you could be in for a treat with the opportunity to buy large quantities of drugs/guns! With the high reward comes the high risk thieves and snitches are rife with these types of deals
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(1277.27, -3425.76),
vector2(95.45, -3383.33),
vector2(-625.76, -2874.24),
vector2(-471.21, -2371.21),
vector2(-59.09, -2319.70),
vector2(522.73, -2346.97),
vector2(1001.52, -2783.33),
vector2(1319.70, -2883.33),
vector2(1395.45, -3292.42)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 60 * 72, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 75, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 15, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 80, Fight = 30,Snitch = 20}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 10, Snitch = 10, Steal = 100}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "BUY", Chance = 15, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {120,300}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "BUY", Chance = 55, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,300}},
{Item = "Meth", Type = "BUY", Chance = 35, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {200,400}},
{Item = "Crack", Type = "BUY", Chance = 25, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {100,200}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "BUY", Chance = 15, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,200}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {180,200}},
{Item = "Pistols", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,2000}},
{Item = "Rifles", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,2000}},
{Item = "Bats", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,2000}},
{Item = "Knives", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {20,60}, Amount = {150,2000}},
Again this is a zone where you may be able to rarely meet someone who will give you access to medium bulk amounts of drugs or weapons
Polyzone = { ---## Area where these contacts are found use this tool to create zones: https://skyrossm.github.io/PolyZoneCreator/
vector2(-1513.64, -2004.55),
vector2(-2271.21, -3174.24),
vector2(-846.97, -3750.00),
vector2(-604.55, -3137.88),
vector2(-756.06, -2731.82),
vector2(-574.24, -2459.09)
ContactIcon = "fas fa-message", --## Font Awesome Icon
MessageFrequency = 60 * 72, --## How often in minutes can a user get a message from a contact from this area
MessageChance = 75, --## What is the chance of a contact from this area sending a message to the player
TimeToAccept = 10, --## In minutes how long do you have to accept before the contact will call the deal off
TimeToMeet = 15, --## In minutes how long do you have to meet the contact before the contact will call the deal off
ExchangeChance = {Success = 80, Fight = 30,Snitch = 20}, --## Chance of a contact from this area refusing to exchange details with the player
DealChance = {Success = 10, Snitch = 10, Steal = 100}, --## Chance of this type of contacts deal going sour or being successful
Items = {
{Item = "Cocaine", Type = "BUY", Chance = 65, Price = {80,100}, Amount = {20,40}},
{Item = "Weed", Type = "BUY", Chance = 75, Price = {90,110}, Amount = {0,30}},
{Item = "Meth", Type = "BUY", Chance = 45, Price = {80,100}, Amount = {20,30}},
{Item = "Crack", Type = "BUY", Chance = 65, Price = {100,150}, Amount = {20,30}},
{Item = "Heroin", Type = "BUY", Chance = 75, Price = {100,160}, Amount = {25,45}},
{Item = "Molly", Type = "BUY", Chance = 65, Price = {140,200}, Amount = {20,40}},
{Item = "Pistols", Type = "BUY", Chance = 25, Price = {60,100}, Amount = {7,11}},
{Item = "Rifles", Type = "BUY", Chance = 35, Price = {50,80}, Amount = {5,9}},
{Item = "Bats", Type = "BUY", Chance = 15, Price = {100,130}, Amount = {4,8}},
{Item = "Knives", Type = "BUY", Chance = 25, Price = {80,100}, Amount = {6,8}},
Last updated