
This is where you will add or edit any drugs/items you are using within your zones. I did it this way so if you do have different item names to mine you can easily change without editing each zone, you will also need to add items to this table to use them in zones.


This will be the physical model used when handing over the items at a deal these can be found HERE but remember its gonna be in your hand so probbaly pick small objects


This will be the item name for this drug pretty straightforward choose an item you have in-game


This will be the aliases used in messages when referring to this drug

Items = {                 --## Define your item names here you can also add new entries here to use within your ContactZones
  --## Drugs 
  ['Cocaine']   = {PhysicalObject = "prop_meth_bag_01",     ItemName = 'cocainepackage',  Alias = {"cocaine", "coke", "blow", "booger sugar", "yayo"}}, --## Physical Object: This is an actual in-game prop/object that will be shown in either the buyer/sellers hands upon the deal 
  ['Weed']      = {PhysicalObject = "prop_weed_bottle",     ItemName = 'trimmed_weed',    Alias = {"weed", "dank", "loud", "kush"}},
  ['Meth']      = {PhysicalObject = "p_meth_bag_01_s",      ItemName = 'boxmeth',         Alias = {"meth", "ice", "crystal", "chunk"}},
  ['Crack']     = {PhysicalObject = "prop_meth_bag_01",     ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"crack", "rock", "hard", "candy"}},
  ['Heroin']    = {PhysicalObject = "prop_meth_bag_01",     ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"heroin", "junk", "dope", "chiva"}},
  ['Lean']      = {PhysicalObject = "prop_drug_bottle",     ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"lean", "tussionex", "purple drank", "mississippi mud", "drank"}},
  ['Mushrooms'] = {PhysicalObject = "prop_meth_bag_01",     ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"mushrooms", "shrooms", "brain melters", "gooms", "doomies"}},
  ['Oxy']       = {PhysicalObject = "prop_cs_pills",        ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"oxy", "o.c.", "billy mays", "hilbilly heroin"}},
  ['Molly']     = {PhysicalObject = "hei_prop_pill_bag_01", ItemName = 'cocainebaggy',    Alias = {"molly", "moonrocks", "turn up", "sass"}},

  --## Weapons
  ['Pistol']    = {PhysicalObject = "w_pi_appistol",        ItemName = 'weapon_pistol',          Alias = {"shooters", "piece", "blicky"}},
  ['Rifle']     = {PhysicalObject = "w_ar_advancedrifle",   ItemName = 'weapon_assaultrifle',    Alias = {"boomer", "long boi", "broomstick"}},
  ['Knive']     = {PhysicalObject = "prop_cs_bowie_knife",  ItemName = 'weapon_knife',           Alias = {"pokey sticks", "slasher", "shanks"}},

Last updated